Mad Munch Grilled Cheezer Co.

Follow the story below of Mad Munch: It's long strange trip from the prairies of Illinois to the sunny shores of Ocean Beach, San Diego....

03 February 2025

Mad Munch's First T-Shirts

We had been talking about making T-shirts for a long time & one day Kate just went on & made it happen.  

Our full color photo of Sleepy Pedro was featured on the back with our slogan (pictured below) & the front breast showed our logo, or Donnie as we liked to call him.

She added a couple of large car magnets with her phone number on them to slap on my truck & a mouse pad, to round out the package.

We'd been doing Mad Munch for almost two years & it felt like we had finally earned our very own work shirts.  It made us look more official when we were making grilled cheeses & arguing under our tent. 

White may not have been the best color choice, though it was the cheapest.  Years later, we paid our friend from kickball, Charlotte, $40 to tie-dye all four of them, giving them a second life.

All four of them still hang in our closet, ten years later.  I'll wear it at the shop every once in a while. They've seen plenty of wear & tear, but they're a great reminder of our early days, our original logo & when you could still find Sleepy Pedro on the menu. 

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