Mad Munch Grilled Cheezer Co.

Follow the story below of Mad Munch: It's long strange trip from the prairies of Illinois to the sunny shores of Ocean Beach, San Diego....

24 January 2025

CityFest: That Sounds Fun

"What's the name of your booth?" the guy asked as we pulled up in my truck.

"Mad Munch," Kate said.

"Mad Munch?  Oooh, that sounds fun!" he said & directed us over to our space.

It was around 9am & it was already heating up in Hillcrest.  We had already paid our $415 to set up & my truck was loaded to the ceiling with over 40 loaves of sourdough.  

CityFest had the largest attendance of all of the street fairs that we signed up for at an estimated 100,000 people.  Our plan was to serve over 400 OBCs & Bacon Streets between 10am-8pm on that warm August Sunday.

That was plan anyway.  We didn't plan on being next to an annoying hawker of bottled water, "Get your Palomar Mountain Vodka here!" or to have front row seats to a drag show.  

But, hey, that's what street fairs are all about.  People wearing ridiculous clothes, having some cold beverages & taking a stroll down main street to see what's behind all of the banners.

It was a long day for Kate & I.  We started to pack up around 7:30, having only sold close to half of our 40 loaves.  

When I went to go grab my truck from a spot on a side street, a black car ripped down the main drag at high speed, taking down several tents & nearly hitting a few workers in it's path.  

Fortunately, no one was hurt, but it was a scary moment.  We loaded up as quick as possible & got the hell out of there.       

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