Mad Munch Grilled Cheezer Co.

Follow the story below of Mad Munch: It's long strange trip from the prairies of Illinois to the sunny shores of Ocean Beach, San Diego....

23 January 2025

Cheezers Meet Belching Beaver

"You guys should set up at my brewery," Brit said between mouthfuls of her Katers Taters.  

"What brewery?  Where?" I asked from our tent at the OB market.

"Belching Beaver in North Park," she said.  "It's a tasting room & we have food vendors pop up there on the weekends.  You guys would do really well."  She handed us a business card & told us to let her know. 

At home that night, Kate & I talked about the girl with the brewery's proposal.  We had finished watching the new episode of Modern Family & the hummus we had traded for at the market.  A typical Wednesday wind down after working both jobs.

"I don't know," Kate said.  "Don't we need a permit to setup someplace like that?"

"Yeah, probably.  Let's just go grab a beer there & see if it would be worth it," I said.

Alright.  It would be nice to setup somewhere else on a Saturday.  I'm so over Golden Hill.  It gets worse & worse every week," Kate said.  

The next Thursday after work we drove to Belching Beaver.  Parking was a challenge but we found our way in & ordered a Peanut Butter Milk Stout Float.  A stout beer over vanilla ice cream. 

"Oh my God.  I didn't know you could do this with a beer," I said.

"Yep, our PB Stout is our most popular," Brit said.  "And we do a lot of floats."

"So where would we setup at?" Kate asked.  "On the sidewalk or out back somewhere?"

"Well, usually the food trucks park out back, but you guys' setup is a lot smaller.  We could put you in this corner.  That way people can see it," Brit said.

"And smell it," I said.  "But we can't really do propane in here."

"Oh, ok," Brit said & looked a little confused.  "Well, what if you got one of those panini things & made you sandwiches that way?"

Kate & I both looked at each other.  "I don't think so.  That changes our sandwiches completely," Kate said.  There was an awkward moment of silence.

"Alright, well let me know if you guys are still interested.  I have a lot of Saturday's still open in August."

We went back & forth over it in the car ride home.  I just knew it was a good opportunity & that there had to be a way to setup inside.

"That's it- we buy an electric griddle!" I said later at home.  "Duh.  I can't believe I didn't think of it earlier.  It's just like in my dorm room at Lincoln!"

Saturday, July 19, 2024, we setup at Belching Beaver in North Park, our first time at a tasting room.  It kind of reminded me of my dorm, with all of the wood paneled furniture & the plastic spatulas.                    

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