Mad Munch Grilled Cheezer Co.

Follow the story below of Mad Munch: It's long strange trip from the prairies of Illinois to the sunny shores of Ocean Beach, San Diego....

27 September 2024

Mad Munch's San Diego Revival

It all started with an idea.  Something that would allow me to keep living here in OB longer, to live on the other side of Sunset Cliffs Blvd., closer to the beach.  

I was working the overnight shift at the Inn at Sunset Cliffs & was trying to become a writer.  It sounded good on paper, seemed like a great way to make a buck & I enjoyed reading everything I could get my hands on after I finished college.  I got into Steinbeck, Palahniuk, Carver, Westlake & Bukowski & figured I'd take a shot at it.  

Working on some stories of my own, I registered at Mesa College & handed out my printed words to classmates who would give me notes.  The feedback was good.  I saw how powerful words could be, but I also knew that I didn't have the scratch or the patience to go "all in."  

After the semester was over, I drifted a bit.  It's real easy to do in a place like OB, especially when you're in your late 20's & still don't have a career under your thumb.  Sure, I'd had stable jobs back East that paid the bills & then some, but it didn't offer the excitement that I truly craved.  I needed that rush, that jolt to get me out of bed in the morning.  

I sang in a rock cover band for a little while, went as far as taking singing lessons in exchange for doing yardwork in Santee.  I even hit a couple of open mics around Point Loma, telling some jokes I wrote.  I didn't exactly bomb, but it just didn't feel right.  So, I continued the overnights, living paycheck to paycheck in a small apartment off West Pt. Loma Blvd. with a Craigslist roommate.  It wasn't ideal, but hey, I was living in San Diego!

But, on OB Street Fair Day, 2011, everything changed.  I spent my last $5 on booze & got hit by a car on my beach cruiser.  Luckily, I was not hurt, but the car drove off & my bike was mangled.  That's when it hit me-  I need to get my sh#t together...& quick.   


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