Mad Munch Grilled Cheezer Co.

Follow the story below of Mad Munch: It's long strange trip from the prairies of Illinois to the sunny shores of Ocean Beach, San Diego....

05 October 2024

It's Not Delivery, It's Donny

Mad Munch's ham, egg & cheese grilled cheese earned some great word-of-mouth after the Super bowl party.  Keep in mind, this was early 2003- Yelp & Google reviews weren't a thing yet & the only screens people were glued to were TVs & computer monitors.  Most people had a cell phone, but they were flip phones & took crappy photos, if at all.  

When it came to advertising in the dorm, we would either make flyers or spread the word at a couple of home-grown weekly events.  

Our friend, Art created a Tuesday night tradition that had been going nearly every week since 9/11, called "Handle Tuesday."  It all started because he had a tough Astronomy class that night & needed some relief afterward.  My floor would pool our money together & get as many half gallon handles of Captain Morgan as we could afford.  I'm sure you can imagine the results of five to eight 18-20 year-old students mixing spiced rum with whatever we could get our hands on.

From this lovely gathering spawned another fun booze-fueled weekly that we referred to as "White Russian Wednesday."  People would sometimes don a robe like the Dude from The Big Lebowski & walk around the halls drinking from mugs or red solo cups.  

It was on one of these occasions after having the 1998 film on in the background that the phrase, "Shut the f#@ck up, Donny," became somewhat of a tagline.  Yuri & DP would argue which one of us was Donny.  In the end, DP took on the persona & we started writing it on Mad Munch's brown paper bags: "It's Not Delivery, It's Donny."  But, since I was the one who took nearly all of the deliveries a lot of people thought that I was Donny.  It kind of added to the mystery, speakeasy feel of dialing 6606 & having grilled cheese sandwiches show up at your doorstep.                 

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