Mad Munch Grilled Cheezer Co.

Follow the story below of Mad Munch: It's long strange trip from the prairies of Illinois to the sunny shores of Ocean Beach, San Diego....

17 October 2024

Entrepreneur Life

While a lot of people work for an employer, those of us who work for ourselves know that you never really clock out.  When it's five o'clock everywhere else, we're trying to maneuver our way through the weeds.  

It takes a special kind of individual to push themselves uphill into the unknown.  A big risk, sure, but the really hard part is to to turn it off once you turn it on.  When you're passionate about your craft, who cares if you crash & burn.  

That's what courage is all about: knowing you may fail horribly but still going & giving it your best shot anyway.  And, sometimes the first shot is the only one you'll ever get.  

That's why you've got to do your homework before you get out there.  But, preparation is only the start & reading books will only get you so far.  Not until you try everything will you know for sure what works & what does not.  At the very least, it'll leave you with a great story & probably something to laugh about.  

The journey becomes your education & your experience becomes your skills. 


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